viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Today I will talk about my favorite Tv serie:


Gotham is a series based on young villains of  Dc Comics, specifically Batman comics, but in this series Bruce Wane (Batman) is only a young boy.

My favorite character is Oswald Cobblepot or "the penguin" , He is young and very cunning, I could say that he is a big protagonist of the serie in the two first seasons, because he always have problems with Maronee but Falcone always save him (Falcone and Maronee be the liders of the mafia in Gotham City) . Oh! almost forgeth why Oswald received the name "Penguin", well in start of the serie "Fish Monie"  order a police to kill a penguin in the bridge near to sea , this police to save him fail to fire his pistol, but Oswald fall at sea, freezing their legs produced the movement of penguin.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018


The person I admire of my discipline:

                                       Lev Semiónovich Vygotski

He was born in Moscow,Russia on seventeen November, 1896. Vygotsky was a psychologist who discovered that the humans can only comunicate by interacting  with other humans using the language.

I like him because he said that children learn from other humans using the culture and the language internalising the interactions. But the children learn better with the persons who loves him or persons that are with him at all moments of the day, because the child has a strong and reciprocal relation with the person or people. There is a link  in this place named "next development zone". This means that even when  the children are a few days old  they can comunicat with the world around them.

The apport he makes to my carrer is  much relevant, because for much autors (who I read), the babies dont be important for education. But he relevated that the babies fell and learn for medium of the others.